This article is focues on the North American market, so before my European friends get all excited just remember where on the other side of the pond. Now, the data system on the kart has become a vital instrument in analysis of the chassis, engine and driver. Teams are spending more time sitting at a computer screen then turning the wrenches on a kart. In some ways we get to feel like where one step closer to F1 over viewing data. Their is one company and one company only that I use and will continue to use and that is Aim Sportline. There are many reasons why they are the best and I want to go into why I feel this way starting with the most important:

- Support
BBR travels to all the major races, and usually on Day 2 of practice these nice red or black Aim sprinter vans pull up to the track open their sliding door and before you know it are fixing, or giving advice on all of their supported products. Throughout the year a customer of ours might have a problem or an issue so we will take the unit to the race where they will fix it and most times at no charge. Why is this so valuable? Well if your at a race and your Unipro or Alfono call it quits good luck getting support on the race weekend. In one situation when my SmartyCam broke they gave me a camera during the weekend to use as a loaner while they fixed mine.Earlier in 2016 at the FWT Aim let us test out the new Mychron 5 that had yet to have been released. While we were using it we would come across small issues and within two hours Aim Italy would send a new version with fixes. This to me is what I like to see as development of creating the best products possible.When were not at big races and face to face with the Aim guys, you can call them pretty much any day and find out the answers you are looking for. There is nothing worse having to wait for technical support.In August I was in Peru at their National Championship. I had a problem and the lap time was splitting up into two lap times. I sent an email out and an hour later had a response back about possible solutions. That’s what I am talking about!
- Innovation Of Products
The latest Mychron 5 is amazing. I love it. I love the fact you no longer need a data key. I love how you no longer need to find out how many splits there are or what side the beacon is on. I love how it can sense where it is and actually select a track or create a new track from its GPS data. The display is nice and big. For the value you are getting so much more data compared to a setup that would have been easily over $800.00.I spend a lot of time driver coaching and video analysis has become a major part of our program. The Smarty Cam 2 is so nice that it overlays the Mychron data. Once its setup you can just plug it in and watch. All the data, rpm, lap times, pedal position, etc is there. It just adds one more input that allows the driver to visually see what is going on. No other camera system can do this.The ability to expand. Your options are endless. Their are so many sensors available now that you literally could look at data full time as a job. Its almost too much. As an example for me, my next area of focus is infrared temperatures of tires. I believe there is a direct connection between temperatures and pressures and to be able to do this with the Mychron 5 and a couple IR sensors is just amazing. When a company like Aim is heavily invested in the automotive industry that trickle effect of technology and resources is at our disposal.

Now that you have learned about why you should use Aim products go to Part 2 to learn about the Ultimate Mychron 5 Setup.
PART 2 – The Ultimate Mychron 5 Setup